Elizabeth Nicholls Artist
Recent Projects
Exploring BUTOH (Dance of Darkness)
Drawing Movement
Self Portrait ⎼ Performance Drawing
Figurative drawing informs my art practice by exercising my own emotional responses and insights into myself and others. Stepping into the unknown, forming relationships and make connections through movement, exploration, carving space, decisive mark-making.
Drawing Dancers
ButohOUT!2021 New Ab/Normal, Performance and Forum
Artistic Direction & Choreography Yumi Umiumare
Visual Arts/Set Designer Jacqui Stockdale
Vocal / Sound Art Emma Bathgate
During a rehearsal I drew the dancers
“I drew on a table, on the floor
on the walls, my body moving and drawing,
inspired, emotional playfulness” (Elizabeth Nicholls 2021)
“Working with watercolour is tricky, it takes the rug from under you. I like the buzz I get working directly from a model, its like performance.”
Drawing On The Walls
I’m ‘blind drawing’ observing a large paper mountain at the other end of the room
under the direction of artist Jacqui Stockdale